Le Grand Dîner Paris is a prestigious annual event organized by chef Yannick Alléno, who each year invites personalities from the world of art and gastronomy for an evening unforgettable
In 2019, this event took place at the Marriott hotel, located on the Champs-Élysées, with the participation of the artist Vincent Bardou.
During this evening, Vincent Bardou exhibited several of his works, notably his famous pop art portraits of Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck. His works were very appreciated by the guests, who were able to admire his unique and colorful style, a mixture of graffiti and pop art.
Vincent Bardou's participation in the Grand Dîner Paris event allowed him to highlight his talent and make him known to a prestigious audience. In addition, it was also an opportunity for him to meet other personalities from the world of art and gastronomy, and to share his passion for art with them.
In conclusion, the Grand Dîner Paris event at the Marriott hotel was a unique opportunity for Vincent Bardou to present his works to a prestigious audience, and to make know his artistic talent. It was also an opportunity for him to meet other personalities from the world of art and gastronomy, and to create valuable connections for his artistic future.